Pull That Look Off With The Right Jewelry
When you walk into a club or a casual restaurant, you aren't necessarily looking for attention, but you may want to mesh well with the surroundings and likely want to feel confident as you traverse the space. The jewelry that you wear is a reflection of your personal style and can make or break an outfit. Your new leather bomber jacket will be greatly enhanced if you decide to wear jewelry pieces that contain leather and pearls.
Less Is Best
Have you ever seen people who wear tons of bracelets or who have several necklaces draped around their neck? This sense of style may seem intriguing, but in reality, too many pieces of jewelry can result in a clunky, confusing look that diminishes specific pieces of jewelry.
To promote your style and to prevent your jewelry from overpowering the clothing items that you wear, choose a couple of items that will integrate well with your jacket. If you own a black leather jacket, then consider wearing a necklace that consists of black or white leather and freshwater pearls. There are many styles of jewelry on the market that will provide you with the look that you desire.
Classic Or Modern Varieties Are Available
Classic pearls possess a shiny, white surface and are often uniform in size. There are modern twists on the original style that can be added to a piece of jewelry. Turquoise or another gemstone can be included in a pearl's design.
For example, if you want to highlight the collar of your jacket, you could add a braided leather choker that contains a few pearls. Imagine how intriguing you will look if you choose to wear a pendant that contains an ensemble of pearls that are highlighted by a leather cord that has been intricately woven. Earrings that promote a classic or modern look can be added and will give you a well-polished appearance.
Care Of Your Collection Is Not Difficult
Leather and pearl jewelry doesn't require much upkeep. The main thing to focus on is proper storage and removing loose debris from your jewelry after each use. If your jewelry is housed in a special bag or drawer, it won't be subjected to damage when you are not wearing it.
A basic leather conditioner and a jewelry cleaner that is formulated for use on precious stones and specific materials that jewelry pieces are constructed of can be applied to your new jewelry. A small amount of the product, a soft cloth, and slow, consistent strokes while cleaning are all that you need to keep your jewelry in excellent condition.
For more jewelry ideas, visit websites like wildaboutpearls.com.